Forest School

Forest School sessions run during each academic year.  These sessions are organised so that each class from Year 1 to Year 6 attends three sessions on Wednesday afternoons.  Reception children also have access to shorter, half-hour Forest School sessions.

The sessions are led and managed by Dan Coates, an experienced park ranger. For further information on Dan, please refer to Class teachers and support staff also facilitate the sessions.  All the sessions are fully supervised and have been risk assessed.

During the sessions the children participate in a range of camp craft activities including:-

Making an out-door bush craft area

Fire lighting and carving

Cooking over a fire

Baking and toasting marshmallows

Nettle string and clay pottery

Den building and shelters

This is an exciting enrichment session designed to improve self-esteem, team-work, social and communication skills, awareness of risk-taking, and wellbeing.