Religious Education


This is a spiral curriculum in which knowledge is built upon as children progress through the school and within each school year. Each year group follows Cheshire East Religious Education syllabus working closely with SACRE network and with people in the local community. 

The Year 1 RE curriculum builds upon the skills and knowledge gained during the children’s time in EYFS.  In EYFS, the children will be given opportunities to meet visitors from different religions and to visit different places of worship, appreciating and celebrating the diversity of modern Britain.  Positive attitudes to differences in appearance, beliefs and communities will be fostered through stories, non-fiction texts, rhymes and poetry as well as by drawing on the children’s own experiences.

Throughout our RE curriculum from Year 1 – Year 6, there are six threads that underpin the substantive knowledge across the year groups:

  • God, the world and self
  • Authority
  • Personal belief
  • Marking life’s journey
  • Religious and non-religious views
  • Belonging

We use enquiry-led questions to focus the children’s learning and discussion across a half term.  These questions are explored in one of three ‘ways of knowing’:

  • Theological - looking at our ways of thinking, 
  • Philosophical- asking meaningful questions 
  • Human and social science- how it impacts on the world. 

By delivering our Religious Education curriculum in this way, we aim to equip our children with systematic knowledge and understanding of a range of religions and world views, enabling them to develop their own ideas, values and identities so that they can make positive contributions to society.