Maths/Times Tables Homework

Use these websites to test and practise your times tables 


This half term, we are working on our money skills. Here's some things you could do at home to support this: 

  • Let your kids handle money. The shops are the best place to learn about money. You could get your child to give the money to the shop assistant and teach them good habits such as waiting for and checking the change.

  • Use role plays. Playing shops at home with pretend money and a till is a great way to introduce your child to money, paying for things and getting familiar with the process of buying items.

  • Play board games. Many board games involve money and spending. They’re a great way for kids to safely make money decisions.

  • When you go to the shops, share your thoughts with your child. They’ll start getting the hang of what's a good offer and what’s not. For example, you could show them how this packet of pasta seems cheaper than the other but actually works out more expensive when looking at the price per kilogram.

  • Use safe environments for your kids to handle money. For example, when its the Christmas fair, you could give your child an allowance to spend but when it’s gone, it’s gone. They’ll have to make tough choices.

  • A visual reminder of money accruing can be helpful. For example, you could keep your 1p and 2p coins in a transparent jar and draw your child’s attention to how much they accumulate over time.

  • You could offer opportunities for your child to earn extra money. They could do some house chores such as running the vacuum cleaner, weeding the garden, hanging the washing, watering the plants etc.