Class 3

Welcome to Year 3!                                         2023 - 2024


Welcome to Year 3. Your teachers for the remaining part of the school year are Miss Taylor and Mrs Rourke.

Morning snack can be purchased for 25p. Each day there is a choice of toast and another option which changes each day. Please bring the money into school with you and give it to your teacher when they take the snack order in the morning. You can bring your own snack instead if you wish, but please do not bring in sweets or chocolate bars. 

PE will be taught twice a week on Thursdays and Fridays and PE kits can be left in school in your locker. Your PE kit must include: a t-shirt (not crop top), shorts, leggings or joggers and trainers. You may also wear a jumper during the winter months.

You will visit the KS2 library on a regular basis, and be able to choose a book to take home and share with your family.  This is your Reading for Pleasure book.

Homework is found on the class page. This will include spellings and times tables practice and a Picture News article that you can discuss at home and respond to if wanted.  

Parents and carers - please remember we have an open-door policy and are happy to speak to you about any queries or issues you may have. The best time to catch us is at hometime, but you can also pass any messages to us by visiting or ringing the school office on 01625 919610.
